Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Just Living is Not Enough.

Fuzzy Phacelia

Just living is not enough.  One must have sunshine, nature, and a little flower.  by Hans Christian Anderson.

And, boy, did Hans understand what we're going through with this quarantine!

I got to enjoy all 3 of the above this morning at Bringle.  Below are some of the new blooms.

Red Buckeye with a visitor

Bumble Bees love it

Pink Ladies know no social distancing

I always love seeing these when I cut through TAMUT

Texas Star

Prickly Sowthistle

Common Vetch

Bristle (or Horrid) Thistle

Rusty Blackhaw

these are popping out all over town now

close up of the leaves
Absolutely one of my fave spring blooms -- Fuzzy Phacelia

Phacelia is pretty common, but this particular one is a stumper to a lot of experts.  But one of them was able to help me ID last year.

The various Phacelias are sometimes referred to as "scorpion weed" because of the curls that look like a scorpion's tail.  

This particular Phacelia looks like it is has little stitches around it.

Hairy Vetch changes its look almost daily

It grows a little taller than some vetches and really pops in a field

Curly Dock, a relative of Rhubarb in the Buckwheat family

Wind pollinated, and the fruit and stems will turn brown as it matures
Spiderwort mixed with Crimson Clover mixes well

and throw in some Prickly Sowthistle

which I think is even more beautiful when it's gone to seed as you see here

Texas Toadflax

lots of Monarchs this week as they head back north from Mexico

They love the Crimson Clover

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

My last little "cooldown" stretch was a grim reminder of what is happening in our world right now.
I missed the sound of children playing on this playground.  At the same time, I could hear a lot more birds than usual.

and back in our own backyard


Prairie Phlox

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