Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Whose Woods These Are

I think I know

Downy Woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker - female
American Goldfinch
Goldfinch and House Finch
The Red-Headed Woodpeckers in the Ozarks are mighty plump
Painted Bunting -- one of the most exciting birds to see!
The birds above hang around our campsite and feeder.  Never get tired of watching them.  Nature really is spectacular.  It's amazing to watch birds, bugs, lizards, and other wildlife communicate with each other and take care of each other! God has to have fun watching His creations! 

May apples -- note the bloom
the blooms will soon be turning into fruit
one bloom -- turns to one fruit
One of the Sassafrass saplings
5-10-13:  Sherryl went exploring for tomorrow's wildflower hike and told me about a real treasure she found in the woods -- Jack-in-the-Pulpit.  She described it and then I went a huntin'.  I didn't find it, but I did find May Apple blooms!  Practically had to stand on my head to get the pix, but a real treat!

Field Mustard
Mayapple fruit 
Jack-in-the-Pulpit about to go to seed
remains of last year's mullein stems -- which Native Americans used to dip in something and light to light their way
 Wildflower Hikers
young batch of Jack-in-the-Pulpit
a really pretty purple Jack-in-the-Pulpit
Tickseed Coreopsis
False Indigo
Missouri Primrose
5-11-13:  Sherryl led a wildflower hike today on the Lakeshore Trail.  NOW I got to see the Jack-in-the-Pulpit!  Really cool.  If I saw it without the blooms, I'd think poison ivy!  It's a beautiful little flower.  And evidently something that we don't see often growing wild in the woods.  She also pointed out some May apples that are already bearing their fruit. I learned that the ones that bear flowers, then fruit, have 2 "umbrellas".  That'll save me some time in looking for them! Quote of the day:  "It's only a weed if it's not where you want it" - by Sherryl Walker

The first thing we saw as we left the bldg was a Bald Eagle!!  look closely to right of lightpole
Got a much better look at him than picture


wild petunia


Tammy with a giant.........? 7


poison ivy

last year's mullien

Venus' Looking Glass
ground cherry

inside of a ground cherry blossom


May apple fruit
still not too big


Tickseed Coreopsis

crown vetch -- pretty but invasive
possible "dog vomit" -- fungus
Gala disected one of the Mayapple fruits -- the inside has a white strawberry-looking thing that is supposed to be  ok to eat.  this is still too young
5-24-13:  It was a beautiful, cool morning at the Dewey Short.  So the boss ladies decided we needed to go see what was blooming on the Lakeshore Trail.  With the Missouri Wildflower book in hand, Gala, Morgan, Sherryl, Tammy, and me headed out.  I learn soooo much from these ladies!

Queen Ann's Lace is showing up
Goatsbeard seed head in the middle of Larkspur
Fragrant Sumac?

an invasive rose 
moth mullein

larkspur, daisies, and coreopsis


Just a few shots from my walks in the woods in May '13

Some of the plants and flowers I'm still looking up.  But if you know what any of the numbered ones are, please drop me a note! 

More later...........I have miles to go before I sleep!

Love and Peace,
