Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Carry On, Spring!

During a time when much of the USA, and other parts of the world, is shutting down due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, one thing that is moving right along without being hindered, is SPRING!!
I've enjoyed my walks at Bringle for many years, even before they got University Rd. completed.
I've always claimed it as my happy place in Texarkana.  I don't believe I've ever loved it to the extent I'm loving it this year, 2020.  It gives me a sense of normalcy in a world of sudden life changes.
Carry on, Spring!

Bulbous Buttercup

Lesser Hop Trefoil

Pink Lady and a Large Crane Fly

probably a wet Dandelion

I can't get enough of the beautiful Pink Ladies that grow around the TAMUT pond

Spider web along the ground decorated with water droplets from last night's shower

White Clover

side view of the White Clover
a "DYC" (dang yellow composite), meaning it's hard to distinguish some of the yellow flowers in the Sunflower family

Henbit Deadnettle

Salsify or Dandelion.....all washed up

Hairy Vetch is starting to color the pastures and roadsides

this tiny purple flower is Reversed Clover

Southern Dewberry buds

the wetlands of Bringle Lake Park

Excited to see the beginnings of Crimson Clover

Springtime is for lovers!  Even if they're Large Crane Flies

the Redbuds are showing up --- which means the Dogwoods are right around the corner

this tree looks like it could a Fairy hideout

This is a stellar year for Mayapples!  I've never seen so many as what I'm seeing this year at Bringle.
They look like little umbrellas all over the floor of the woods! The "doubles" are the ones that produce flowers, which soon becomes a fruit. Typically, the flowers appear in May and the fruit ripens in the summer (which can then be turned into jams and such. With the climate changing, these have popped out pretty early. To get a good picture of the bloom/fruit, I have to practically stand on my head because they are under the "umbrellas".  The following are some of the pics I took today.  I could have spent the day out there just enjoying these beauties.

I believe I caught this flower in the act of closing up to become a fruit

my fave pic today

I only use my phone cam, but the woods were covered with the Mayapples as far as I could see

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