set up at El Dorado State Park in Kansas |
the temps are pushing 100, but we can't feel it under these big ole Cottonwoods
6-13-14: David and I arrived today at El Dorado State Park -- one of our fave spots in KS. We used to camp there pretty regularly until the last couple of years when Air Capital opened. It's GREAT being back here and out of the city! The temp was nearly 100, but David and I enjoyed a pleasant breeze under the Cottonwoods! Set up and relaxed before a fun week planned with the A's!
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the A's were packed and ready the day before we picked them up |
Asher on the playground
Andrew was flat out good on this contraption
6-14-14: Drove over to Douglass and picked up our little guys. After a lively and yummy lunch at Freddie's, we headed to the campground. We all hopped on our bikes and headed straight to the playground. Came back to the camper just in time for a short thunderstorm that included marble-sized hail. Didn't last long, but the hail provided some entertainment from inside the camper.
Scavenger hunt on the first evening
Once it quit raining/hailing, we headed back outdoors for more adventure. We had a scavenger hunt on the Walnut River trail. Just yesterday Rocky and I saw a long snake (Eastern racer). It slithered away when I bent down to take a pic. Sissy snake. Nevertheless, I kept my fingers crossed that the boys wouldn't see one. The first thing on the list was hedge apples. Since it's not the right season for them, they swapped that one for "turtle".
they found all but 3
#6 on the list -- cedar berry
Rocky found the mud puddle
Y- shaped stick
and another
#6 on the list -- cedar berry
Rocky found the mud puddle
Animal Tracks -- straight from the mud puddle
Y- shaped stick
and another
they were so excited when Grandpa spotted a turtle crossing the trail
it was hard to let him go, but nature prevailed -- and Grandpa putting his foot down
Ornate Box Turtle -- isn't he pretty?
Ornate Box Turtle -- isn't he pretty?
they found a bug collector on their hunt -- she helped ID an oil beetle
Oil Beetle
Not on the list, but always fun seeing a bunny
a-hiking we will go
Something Weird -- where deer have been resting
Another Something Weird - a boulder bench?
Something Weird......and Sad -- a bird egg
Something Weirder -- A Honey Locust Tree, aka Thorny Locust Tree
cloud shaped like a poodle -- can you see it?
Something Weird -- where deer have been resting
Another Something Weird - a boulder bench?
Something Weird......and Sad -- a bird egg
Something Weirder -- A Honey Locust Tree, aka Thorny Locust Tree
cloud shaped like a poodle -- can you see it?
Fun hike! The boys spilled their guts about our adventure to everyone they passed. All the adults thought they were hilarious! I told Justin if they'd had 30 more seconds with each passerby, they would've shared their SSN!
Asher supervising while Grandpa airs up Grammy's tires
After supper, Grandpa and the boys played some catch and then guess where we went? Right back to the playground! Starting to feel that polar vortex that is coming through the area. Yay! We did a little stargazing tonite, too. Each of us found our "own" star and, of course, named it after ourselves. No problem falling asleep tonite ---- for any of us!
saw this cool surrey bike -- I want one!
Day 2's hike was an alphabet hike up and across the dam
6-15-14: Everyone slept in this morning. Til about 8:30. Not that late for David and me. But dang near noon for the boys! We took advantage of the cool morning temp and did an alphabet hike up the dam. We've both noticed that Asher is picking up a new accent. I guess when I say "hike" he hears "hack". Anyway, we had a great time finding things in the great outdoors that begin with each letter of the alphabet. Had to get creative for 2 or 3 letters, but we pulled it off!
It was a BEAUTIFUL day and the boys managed to get 2 visits to the playground in, lots of bike riding around the campsite, had some sweet Gaeddert Farms corn on the cob for an evening "snack", and we ended the day chasing lightning bugs and some more stargazing.
Grandpa, Andrew, and Asher
not sure how they got so far ahead of me -- pant, pant
pretty view of El Dorado Lake
skier |
just, thank goodness for hiking sticks!
David's panorama of the lake
looking for some abc words on the other side of the dam
trolley that runs across the Walnut River below the dam
used to measure the water depth during periods of extremely high water release
Asher goes straight to this musical thing every time we go to the playground
Andrew stirs up a game of tag as often as possible
Grandpa doing a little maintenance on Andrew's bike
craft time!
they made message boards with chalkboard paint, clipboards, and serving trays
once they carefully taped up the edges they could go to town with the paint
gifts from the boys
Andrew gave his painted clipboard to Grandpa with his artwork on it. Asher presented me with his serving tray. When I wrote "Let's Eat!" on it, he hollered "Good One, Grammy!"
Asher used his theatrical skills to try to convince us he hurt his knee and has to use his "hacking" stick to get around
winding up Day 2 by chillaxin w/ Land Before Time
crazy hair morning for Asher and Grammy -- Rocky wants everyone to know the crazy hair is on the left
crazy hair, crazy face
6-16-14: Another "sleep-in" day! Andrew outslept all of us. He's usually our alarm clock! Had time for some morning biking and tag at the playground before Justin and Brooke came out for lunch and to see their babies. This is the longest the boys have been away from home, so it's been a big adjustment for all of them.
After Grandpa grilled burgers and we chowed down on some of Justin's garden goodies, the boys took Grandpa and their parents up the dam hill again. Rocky and I took this opportunity to re-organize in the camper a bit and then we sat out and enjoyed every minute of that cool breeze. It's crazy how cool it is here for July! Low 70's in the daytime. Tonite it's supposed to get down into the 50's. Not complaining though. Loving it!
After J and B said their goodbyes to the boys we hit -- what else -- the playground. They've managed to get older girls to play tag with them for over an hour each time we visit. All the kids are on a first name basis out here now.
"army motorcycle" keeping us safe
the soldiers are making sure the campground is safe from the enemy
and "inside the camper" treasure hunt
Tonite before bedtime, we played a treasure hunt game that I'd found online for camping. Since there isn't much room inside a camper, the treasures are wrapped up in a big ball of clear packing tape. One boy had the dice, one had the ball. The one with the dice rolled until he got doubles while the one with the ball unwrapped as much as he could. Once the doubles are rolled, they switch. Fun!
posing inside the big ole sycamore tree on one of the trails
same tree where they posed with Aunt Lulu a few years ago
6-17-14: Time to get back to civilization. While Grandpa got the camper ready to hitch up, the boys and I took Rocky for a walk. The boys love to count how many times he marks his territory. They counted 15 on this little hike. Asher marked his territory once. We took the little trail where the giant, hollowed out sycamore tree stands. I keep expecting it to have fallen over one of these years. But so far, so good.
Andrew helped Grandpa finish loading up while I listened to Asher's tall tales. He's so cute and funny. Too cool that Andrew is big enough now to be of some help to Grandpa, too!
Another "October" day! At 3:00 pm it was 64 degrees in Wichita! We sure enjoyed our week with these troopers! And we both feel we'll be sleeping well for the next couple of nights!
Macie, Marlee, Manning, Nathan, and a bit of Miller
It was a whirlwind visit, but so appreciated!
Baby Joseph Goff in the cocoon I made for him
beautiful little man
Then after work I rec'd the above precious pix of baby Joseph Goff from Lacey. I so needed this family connection! Amazing what God does.
Hope all of you have enjoyed some "October in July" this week as well!
Grandpa, Grammy, and Uncle Rocky
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