Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Flatland 4th

Linda Sue is really a mermaid!  (I thought so!)
Another hs reunion! Our coworker, Debbie Kelley Curtis, graduated with David!
Look who popped in at Air Capital -- our friend, Donna, from JCRV!
Gus sent me this great pic of him and Papaw Goff - love those 2 cowboys!
storms moving in to Wichita
we were lucky that they stayed north of us - and weren't nearly as fierce as they looked
Boss Man Frank got a smart phone! 
We keep expecting things to heat up for the summer.  But so far it's great!  80's and low 90's. I could live here!  We had a Panties, Pix, Pie day at Greg and Linda Sue's in June. Enjoyed looking at their vacay pix from the last 2 trips they took, played cards (Panties), and chowed down on some of my mom's peanut butter pie. We have a couple of hands to finish, but the girls are a little ahead.

7-2-14: David and I visited the Nifty Nuthouse in downtown Wichita today per Linda Sue's recommendation.  Wow!  Just, wow!  One could easily spend an hour or more here. They have every kind of nut and candy you can imagine.  They are kinda known for their double-dipped maltballs.  YUM!  And they'll give you a taste of anything in the store.

this shop has 2 huge rooms full of candy/nuts
you can even watch it being made -- except this guy was doing a little cleaning up I think
it was really hard to narrow it down 
fun employees -- of course they are sugared up!  the guy in the red shirt photobombed the photobombers!
These girls couldn't believe I knew what photobombing meant.  I explained to them that I'm very cool and they, of course, agreed

We had "brunch" at Doo-Dah Diner after the candy store
After the candy store -- maybe we did this in the wrong order, but oh well -- we went to lunch at Doo-Dah Diner downtown.  It's a yummy little greasy spoon.  And I mean you can smell the grease when ya walk in the door.  I think if we go back we'll do breakfast instead of lunch.  Tho, I enjoyed my blta (avacado) sandwich.  Very fresh and tasty.

It's an old, greasy spoon 
The sign over the bar explains why Wichita is called Doo-Dah
We drove through Watson Park and saw hundreds of geese grazing through the blooming poppy mallow
It's been a couple of years since we've been through O.J. Watson park.  It's changed a bit but is very green and pretty.  It still has the pony rides and the mini train ride which our kids did when they were little.  I see a possible grandson day coming up at Watson Park!

The June magazine, Wichita, clears this up
some Shocker pride rolling thru town

finished the boys' alpaca hats -- just in time for the 4th of July
7-4-14:  Doug, Sheila, Heather invited the family out to their cabin on Santa Fe Lake for the 4th.  It was wonderful spending time with kinfolk, catching up, relaxing under the trees, and of course, there was plenty of food involved.  The plan was to watch fireworks that evening.  I guess some of the neighbors do it up pretty big.  But since it doesn't get dark til 9:00 ish, the party broke up just before dusk.  Getting too near bedtime for some of us. The temps today were heavenly!  Almost cool at times. Hard to believe July could be so pleasant.....but we'll take it!

 Doug taking us on an excursion down the Indianola Creek

Doug, me, Asher, Andrew, and Justin
Eagles' nest - nobody home
Justin and the boys trying to catch sticks
Rocky sooo wanted to take a swim & fetch one of their sticks
Love this pic -- just wish Doug hadn't been in the way
Asher and I have the greatest conversations! 
lotta cottonwood on top of the water
Andrew lighting up a smoke bomb
oh, the excitement!
chillaxin with Doug, Sheila, Heather, Linda Sue, Greg, me, and Justin
Uncle Doug giving Asher a little technical advice
Asher found a little caterpillar
the caterpillar trumped the fireworks
It liked Andrew's nose
what caterpillar?
Sheila, me, Linda Sue, and Heather Louise
Got home this evening and we were both so sleepy.  Got into my pj's fully expecting to go to bed.  I was hearing so many fireworks I decided to step outside to see what I could see.  My goodness!  Because it's the flatland, I could see fireworks shows all around me for miles and miles.  I've always loved a night sky in Kansas and tonight I enjoyed watching it light up for about an hour or so!  It was still going when I finally gave up. I think I liked this "show" as well as any fireworks show I've ever seen -- and didn't have to contend with traffic or heat for it.  That little heavenly breeze was still going.

the prairie sunflowers are really coming out now at the rv park
aiming at the sun
Rocky keeping an eye on the doings here at the park

Joseph Alexander Goff -- nearly 9 lbs of cuteness
7-6-14:  And today we have a new Goff!  I feel a poem coming on...........

James and Joseph -- 2 CUTIE PIES!!
He almost made it on Grandpa Bill Boy's bday -- July 5th.  But I guess he decided he wanted his own special day, so he waited til the 6th.

Looking forward to a few extra days off "work" and a camping trip with the grandsons!  Hoping the summer heat will stay away a little longer!

Feeling the Love, Peace, and Freedom,

John, Abigail, and John Quincy

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