Saturday, September 19, 2015


Lots of back-to-school pix and signs on fb -- I love that Abby McClintock's shows what she wants to be when she grows up

September is proving to be a very interesting month in the Great Plains!  College football is in full swing (WPS), David has been able to play golf with his golf pals each week, and I've been doing some volunteering at Great Plains Nature Center here in Wichita. The prairies are blooming with a lot of great stuff, which we love!  But that includes a lot of allergens, which are kicking our butts!  The temps heated back up to the 90's on many days.  So between that and the allergies, my walking has dwindled quite a bit.  Which frustrates me because I should be preparing for my first 5k ever.  More about that later.

my first sighting of  potential Goldenrod at Derby High Park

a baby Eastern Garter snake at the park
9-1-15:  After "wrasslin" all summer with the ac in the camper, we finally decided to get a new one. I headed over to Derby early this morning to get my walk in and when I returned, they'd finished installing it and David had the camper nice and cool for me.  Wow!  I knew it had been warmer than necessary in here lately, but I didn't realize how far gone the old unit was!  It's actually chilly in here now.

before flipping the axles

9-2-15:  This is the summer of taking care of "housekeeping" issues.  The new truck sits higher than the other one did, so today David took the camper in to get the axles flipped.  This is a before shot.

tons of Common Sunflowers at Cheney State Park

Common Sunflowers
So David and I took a drive out to Cheney State Park while waiting on the camper.  Haven't been out there since our kids were little.  I can remember telling him I couldn't camp there because the few trees were just little scrubs.  Well, we were both pleasantly surprised today to see a lot of full grown trees, lush fields of milo, and beautiful wildflowers all over.  Yep, I think I could camp there now.

Rachel set up this helpful board at the GPNC

Rebecca and Heidi at the GPNC

Rachel and Rebecca cleaning "poo" off the Albino Eastern Screech Owl's face

I think he was happy to get cleaned up

a guest brought in some Riverbank Grapes to be  identified 

Rachel showing me how to gut a mouse

I'll get to do this in October when I feed the owls
9-3-15:  I had a wonderful afternoon working the front desk at the nature center today.  Love the people out there and I never get tired of the view and the experiences!

the jamberry thing is getting a little easier
9-4-15:  After walking, we enjoyed a spur of the moment breakfast with Justin and Brooke at Doo-Dah Diner. The yummy, buttermilk biscuits there get heavier and heavier! I swear they have to deliver them to the table with a dolly!

our Razorback fans

Grandpa rocking Andrew's hog hat

Justin and Asher watching the Hogs

the boys and Rocky spent most of the game on the bed with me playing cars and  spaceship
9-5-15:  David and I ran over to Jimmie's Diner for breakfast with our Hog shirts on.  Our server happened to be from Fayetteville.  Couldn't talk her into calling the hogs with us.  In fact, I couldn't talk David into it either. Maybe next time.

9-9-15:  Remember the allergies kicking my butt?  Well, today I had David take me to an immediate care clinic.  I've been struggling with dizziness since the first of September and today it got really bad.  They diagnosed me with vertigo, which I've never had to my knowledge.  They gave me a decongestant, which is the opposite of what I've been taking. Hopefully, I'll be on the road to recovery soon!

9-10-15:  David and his buddies got in another round of golf today.  They've literally been getting started before the sun comes up in order to beat the heat! I picked him up so he could drop me off at the nature center. ( Part of our fulltiming adventure includes sharing a vehicle and juggling our transportion needs.)  On the way, we saw a Great Horned Owl sitting on top of a Kohl's sign.  Sure wish I could've snapped a pic.  When we circled around, it had flown across the street to another bldg.  You just never know what you might see in Doo-Dah since it's a prairie city!

just a little after- school spaceship construction

good book set in WWII
9-11-15:  Always Remember.

Picked the boys up after school today and they -- along with Grandpa -- immediately started building cool stuff with legos.  Loving this time with them!

Finished the above book that Jerri sent me.  Really good.  I'm not a big reader, but I thought I was doing pretty well finishing it in about a week or so. Once I handed it off to David, he finished it in one day!! It's one of those hard-to-put-down reads.  Thx, Jerri!

Art on the Trail at GPNC

9-12-15:  Great Plains Nature Center had a wonderful event today called Art on the Trail.  Artists from all over the area set up along the trails and spent the day painting or drawing.  Then the visitors and some judges voted on their faves. I was lucky enough to get to spend the day helping and got in 10 miles of walking.  Amazingly, we had a break in the heat and it was just a perfect day.  Heidi, the volunteer coordinator, said she has had every kind of weather over the years for this event: snow, too much heat, rain.  Ya never know in the Midwest what September will hold.

The winning art will become the GPNC postcard for the year.

Wavy Leaf Thistle

Illinois Bundleflower

Blue Sage

Blue Sage

early morning stroll through the trails

I got about 3 miles in before the artists arrived

Lespedeza that were in the middle of some Goldenrod and Maximillians


Maximillian Sunflower

Osage Orange Tree

starting to see a lot of these

osage orange, beau d'arc, hedgeapple, horse apple, monkey brains


Milkweed going to seed

love seeing so much milkweed on the prairie

Snow on the Mountain
Marsh Fleabane
Showy Partridge Pea
Showy Partridge Pea closeup
maybe chokecherry

so many different grasses in the Plains

Indian Grass

Button Bush

Goldenrod and Common Sunflowers

Goldenrod can look like a star


Heidi, the coordinator..........coordinating.

one of 20 plus artists on the trails

artists of all ages participated

Chuck is capturing some of the wetlands

Rachel is painting sumac, Cottonwoods, grasses and wildflowers

Rachel is also one of the naturalists at the GPNC

Praying Mantis -- maybe a Ground Mantis

he stayed on this limb long enough to be painted by one of the artists

"if it ain't bluegrass, it's just a weed!"

these 2 dolls were listening to the bluegrass -- and remind me of little DeJonge's!

the artists shared their skills and stories with many visitors throughout the day

another of the many artists on the trails

and since I only know a handful of people in Wichita, it was a surprise when these familiar faces showed up

no dogs allowed on the trails --- but I enjoyed seeing this family of 10 babies as they were getting "kicked out"

Great Blue Heron with nerves of steel during all the activity

left: adult winner/right: youth winner
Just a wonderful day in the Heartland!

David represented us this morning at Andrew's soccer game in Douglass.  That little booger has been about as sick as me but scored 3 goals!

Gus' silhouette at Sheena's wedding

Gus played the guitar for her wedding

wish I could've been there  
Gus had a first -- he was asked to play his guitar at a wedding tonight in Texarkana.  He had guitar lessons from Ted and Carol Ann for a short time along with Laura and me several years ago. But, he's mostly self-taught.  So we thought this was pretty cool.

9-15-15:  David and I have decided it's time to set up a doctor in Wichita.  Our doctor of 100 years in Texarkana moved to another town, and since we find ourselves here so often, well, this is probably the right time to do it.  Greg and Linda Sue recommended a doc to us and we really do like him!  In fact, I LOVE him.........because he gave us allergy shots today!  We got shot up with those, the flu shot, and the whooping cough shot. We should be good for awhile.  I'm still dealing with the vertigo, but it isn't nearly as severe.  Now that I know it stems from the allergies,  I'll just try to get that shot in August next time. September is one of their peak pollen months.

some more of the Lespedeza that's gone to seed- lol

false boneset gone to seed
Amanda introducing the speckled king snake
9-17-15:  GPNC had another wonderful event this week.  Kids C.A.N. That stands for Care About Nature. They've been doing this for many years.  It was spread out over 3 days this week, but I just volunteered today, the last day. This group is totally dedicated to reaching as many kids as possible in the Greater Wichita area.  They are inspiring kids to appreciate and become good stewards of God's creations -- Nature. So happy to be a part of it while we're here.  I'm learning a bunch and it's a mighty good day when we can learn something new!

She wears the rat snake like a purse

he's around 20 yrs old

Charlie doing the "Migration Headaches"

migrating "geese"
I didn't get in 10 miles this time, but my job as "line leader" --- getting my class to each of the stations on time --- got me about 3 miles.  It was warm again today, but the wind was constant and provided a little coolness.  Well, maybe not coolness.  But it dried our sweat!

Deb teaching about the geosphere

the 5th graders creating a fault

presentation about water conservation and purity

Rebecca leading them on a hike through the prairie
Great day.  I didn't think I'd enjoy it since it was a school field trip.  But I found out school field trips are kinda fun when you're not on the school end of it all.  haha.  And the 5th graders involved were well behaved and seemed so into what they were learning -- especially the snakes and the hike!

my race bib
the timing chips on the back of the bibs register your time at the finish line

9-19-15:  After much encouragement from my young fitbit peeps, and inspiration from my nephews and nieces,  I decided to sign up to walk in a 5k and today is the day.  My goal is not only to finish, but to not finish last, since I'll just be walking.

the competition looked pretty serious

Cookie Monster

Olaf's nose kinda gets in the way

had to get my pic with this cute dude, Olaf

and this guy was a looker
maybe, just maybe I can beat this one
I got there a little early, so I mingled and tried to get an idea about my competition.

and we're off!
So, as a walker I was one of the ones at the back of the group for starters.

just a little proof that I'm not last
 I managed to stay ahead of  -- and even pass -- a few. I so don't want to be last.

Arkansas River

sculpture along the way
 I'm so used to slowing down long enough to snap Nature pix, etc during my walks.  I snapped a couple this morning, but dared not slow down cause those folks behind me weren't that far away. And, remember, I don't want to be last!

I thought she and her grandson were awesome!
 I was feeling pretty good about having quite a few walkers behind me. But, what I didn't know is that toward the end, racers pick up speed.  So about the time we hit 4k some of the walkers started running!  Oh dear, I canNOT run! But after a quick look behind me, I could see there were still 20 or so behind me.  Whew!  But it didn't make me happy when the lady in the wheelchair passed me.  Ok, it was motorized, but still.  However, I overtook her.  (She came to a curb that didn't have a ramp.)  Now, before you think I'm terrible, I did look the situation over and there was no way I could've lifted that heavy chair over that high curb.  I felt terrible because she did have to find another route to the finish line. The race organizers slipped up on that one. But I'm inspired by her and her grandson.

the cheering section -- wish I had thought to ask them if I was in first place 

nearing the finish line

made it!

What a neat experience!  My official time was 51.26 and I finished in 77th place.  Out of 101.  I felt like a winner because I didn't finish last!! And I didn't fall down.  This race benefits Via Christi Hope, which helps adults who have lost their independence. I felt it was a good cause and it motivated me to keep walking! 

the grass is always greener, right?

After getting "hosed down", David, Rocky, and I headed out to Doug's and Sheila's cabin for the afternoon.  On the way, we saw the camels that we usually see from a distance.  This time they were close enough to the road to snap some pix.

ok, he spotted the camera and smiled for me

side view, plz

strutting his stuff
 Aren't they cute?

David, me, Doug, Sheila -- thought we'd get a selfie with the lake behind us, but......

so here is Santa Fe Lake
 The lake is still dried up out at the cabin, but that provides a whole "nother" look at nature.  We could see lots of grasses, frogs, egrets, huge dragonflies, and we could hear the feeder fish splashing around.

and we've seen a million Monarchs today!

they are heading south

their cabin neighbor has a sewing machine exactly like the one my mother had when I was growing up

 Next week we will start our volunteering at the rv park here, then will head out to El Dorado State Park for a long weekend of camping.

Until October,

Jason Day, Shalane Flanagan, and Monkey Ball


  1. with all the milkweek, do see a lot of monarch butterflies??

    1. We've been seeing hundreds of them as they head south! Such a pretty sight. The best I could do was just the couple of phone pix in this post.
