Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Selfies and a Squeeze Box

Ah-chooo! The Hill Country is springing out all over the place!  Still some chilly days (yay), but lots of Redbuds and Bradford Pears are popping.

flower button bouquet -- Wanda's buttons
Donna snapped this pic of us
the newest Goff planker -- 2 yr old James
Jerri didn't know her pbone case matched her shirt
David and Charlie and Charlie's new poodle
Vickey, Charlie, and Shannon -- they all look just alike
So wonderful having "old" friends and new here at JCRV!.  We've enjoyed our 5th winter here and hope to see our peeps down the road.

Surprise, Mr. Ken!
2-19-14:  Tonite before cards, the whole rv park showed up at the clubhouse to show our appreciation for one of our fave people in the world!  Ken's sister is visiting from CA and he thought everyone was getting together to meet her.  Well, that was great, too.  But it was all about him this time!

He does so much for every one of us.  And our dogs!  Lizzy and Cooper literally wake up each morning and fall into high alert mode as they wait for Mr. Ken to come by on his golf cart with doggie treats. Rocky is a treat snob, so tonite we gave him a bag of Rocky's treats so Rocky can warm up to him. (Rocky is more of a Tom's boy because Tom gave him french fries a couple of years ago and he has never forgotten that)

Ken and his sis, Elaine
We also gave him some waterproof matches because for 5 years he has kept me and my cards and crafts peeps warm in that clubhouse by making sure we have a cozy fire in the fireplace! Love Mr. Ken!

And David and I never miss an opp for a selfie at events!  

Sarah picking out beads and buttons for her frame

getting started
2-20-14:  Sarah and Melinda invited me to lead a craft class for their group at the Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library in Kerrville.  We did the deco frames and had a blast.  Those ladies were so creative and fun!  I got some great ideas from them for my next frames!

creative juices flowing!
Laura, the library director and me - selfie, of course
Laura squeezed in some time to make a frame for herself
Bonnie taking pix for the newspaper
Finished products!

Really had fun!  And I guess I must've looked like a crafter -- or a teacher -- because when I walked in the front door the lady at the desk looked at me and said "1st floor".

selfie in front of Geunther's - I was aiming for the sign above us
David and I left the library and went to meet the Creekers at Geunther's in Comfort.  Sadly, our besties - Jerri and George - didn't get to join us cuz they have the bug.  Ick!  Missed them!

Sue and Phil Pinch from Wisconsin
Bill and BJ from Oregon
Ken from JCRV and his sis, Elaine from California
yikes, another selfie
chillin to some doowop music after a yummy German supper
Leanne from Minnesota
selfie with The Moonlites as they serenaded us at Geunther's
had to snap their pic thru a window behind our table
It was great evening with friends.  And I think we were all on the same page about bedtime when all 19 or so of us left at the band's break!  About 8:00ish.

cool, old, deserted structure 
2-21-14:  Another very special date day.  Man, the hubs can sure plan 'em!  We headed down 783 to Harper on our way to Llano to see the eagles nest I've been watching on Facebook.  Our first stop was to take a pic of the great little home from the past on 783.  Glad we stopped because at this point David realized he'd left his camera card at home (found out a couple of weeks later he had one in the truck the whole time, but I digress).  So we changed our route a bit to stop at the Walgreen's in Fredricksburg to get one.  Can't go see the eagles without David's camera and all its parts!

As we neared Harper we saw a huge Road Runner -- well, I saw it.  Then we saw a good sized exotic animal ranch.  This one was seemingly for buying and selling.  Usually, the exotics on the hunting ranches are not as close to the road as these were. After stopping in Harper at one of my fave resale shops, we cont'd on to see the nest.

one of the fledglings decided to pop up
The nest was in a pecan tree very close to the road.  It was on a road just outside of Llano. We stayed there about an hour or so just watching the show.  Nature never ceases to amaze me.

looking around to check airspace
he so wants to fly away
he hovered over the nest for quite awhile
looked as big as an adult eagle

he would tippy toe a little ways out on a limb
then he'd settle back into the nest
that was a good workout
then his sibling reared his/her head
now whatcha wanna play?
the nest with both babies peaking around
and check out the sky
my photographer
mom stayed on a tree a little ways behind the nest tree
What a great treat!

Crested Caracara
member of tropical falcon family
pretty common in TX
huge black and white wingspan when it flew off
When we left the eagles, I thought I spotted an Osprey in a Live Oak.  Ok, I know it would be unusual to see Osprey around here.  But I have seen a few posted on fb that have been spotted in the hill country.  David got some great pix of this beautiful bird and then identified it as a Crested Caracara once we got home.  Glad we got to see something we'd never seen. Always exciting!

Llano River near Castell, TX
We took a scenic route home from Llano.  We crossed over the Llano River at Castell, drove SLOWLY through the open range on 152, saw some pretty diverse geological areas, jammed to some bluegrass in the truck, drove through Hilda and Doss, and got to see our first green pastures this winter!

Great day with a great man!

original sign from the furniture store
2-22-14:  Went to Comfort today with Dawn and Connie.  Wendy spent some time with me telling me a little history of their "new" building.  So interesting.  Wish I'd had David and his camera with me.  In fact, I would've been happy to have had my iphone camera, too.  But I'd left my "precious" at home, so Dawn let me take pix with hers.

hooks that held chairs to conserve space
the owners of the furniture store had a Hollywood set designer paint flowers on the walls which are still there
love the floor in the sun porch
doors to the former loading dock -- wysteria painted on the wall above
German piece of furniture left from the store
Thanks, Wendy, for the tour and the info!  What a great piece of Comfort history!

selfie with Cliff
2-23-14:  Some of us went to Billy Gene's tonite for supper.  The above pic may have been Cliff's first selfie.
Get used to it, Cliffers!

Shirlene and Jack
Ron appointed Cliff "sheriff" of JCRV.
Enjoyed evening and the company.  (still waiting on J and G to get well!)

another selfie with Cliff during the accordian concert
We be jamming off up in Cliff's camper
2-24-14:  Cliff treated us to a concert this afternoon.  The man can flat out play the squeeze box!!! But don't ever call it that where he can hear ya!  He plays some beautiful classical and pop tunes!

JCRV's Jester
caught him thru the window
Rocky's new friend --- and kinfolk -- Jade from MN
beautiful day to be lending a little help to a friend - Ron & Kyle
am I getting mooned?

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